Who we are....

About Us: We Are Sick & Wrong A Lot

Manifesto 9:18:24

Here at our offices in SickJokesville, we work hard to amuse you with some pretty sick stuff. Our goal is to be appreciated as your first choice for online jokes and “gag gifts” rich in humorous content along with classy, yet absurd ideas, with debauched and demented recommendations to help you enhance your appreciation for ridiculously insane novelties, from childish pranks to absurd toys and tools that are suitable for any occasion where laughter is appreciated.

Sick jokes are unique and incongruous, which means they pretty much defy reality in unrealistic and ridiculous ways….they should be unbelievable, benign, and hopefully violating some moral or social norm…. Not exactly like having sex with a dead chicken at a Saturday football halftime event, but you should get the picture.

Through dark humor we treat sinister subjects like death and distressing morbidity with amusement. It’s a fictional universe where reality is suspended and disbelief becomes the new normal. Wicked, weird, eccentric, perverse, and in poor taste are just a few of our qualifiers.

A few examples include Crude Greeting Cards, Stupid Pranks, Used Edible Panties, Fart Stuff, Dog Turds, Fake Vomit, White Elephant Gifts, Naughty Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Humor, Blow Up Party Dolls, Sexually Intimidating Toys and Tools, and so much more. If it’s in poor taste, with great quality, we want to hear from you.

Now, sometimes we need your help to get the juices flowing, and that’s why we offer opportunities to participate with us, and we will occasionally offer “freebies” to our readers and participants to help stimulate their participation. So, if you’re selected and we reprint your thoughts and use your material on our site we want to give you something in return. Thank you for that !

Now, let’s get real for a few more thoughts, which includes our “Disclaimer”:

We hope you’re having fun reading content from our website and that it offers you entertainment and educational information, and that you enjoy it. However, please note the following disclaimer:

The written material we provide is for informational purposes only, and it’s pretty general in it’s nature, it’s opinionated, and it’s offered for entertainment and educational purposes primarily.

We recognize that everyone is unique, and so what has worked for some people may not work for you personally. Not all jokes are funny !

Any information provided from our content and perceived as “advice” should be considered with your particular circumstances and lifestyle in mind. We offer entertainment.

Straight Arrow Publishing Company, LLC., does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or outcome of your use of our content. You probably won’t get rich, thin, or sleep better from the words you read on our site. Entertainment through information is our primary goal, but it’s not our responsibility to you.

The content we provide has been researched, and provided on our website, but it’s just a collection of words and photos for you to peruse, not to abuse.

Finally, please note that all of our printed materials are protected by US Copyright laws, and may not be reproduced except as permitted by Straight Arrow Publishing Company, LLC.

For questions, please email us at: fun@sickjokes.com

Dogs playing poker poster
Sexy spanking paddle
Dominatrix look the part

In Conclusion For Now

Thanks for stopping by and checking us out. As you can see we’re not too politically correct or “woke”, and we don’t have cures for bad breath or erectile dysfunction unless you can appreciate the humorous possibilities humor of a fart machine, fake dog turds, erection joke sticks, or ridiculous plans to help you alleviate what physically or mentally bothers you in this totally absurd world . And that’s what we have here. Everything from inappropriate, to crude and disgusting, in every form imaginable to bother your senses. Gifts that embarrass, that are “payback”, gross, and inappropriate for most events where presents and prizes bring more than surprises. 

Contact Us: Fun@SickJokes.com

Furry handcuffs makes a nice bondage statement
Send us an email today !!

Email Us: Fun@SickJokes.com